Monday, 6 June 2011

I'll Try and Keep This Brief....

but I have a lot to say. First off, I'll begin with my week 3 list. I'll have to post tomorrow to tell the many stories of my trip to Ada-foah.

1. How to take blood.
2. How to do a CD4 count on an HIV patient.
3. The huts at Ada-foah are prone to collapsing.
4. Don't step on your Kindle.
5. Always check the taxi for your phone before you get out.
6. Don't leave your rain jacket outside overnight at a public beach camp.
7. I can survive on the bare necessities (although I dislike it, greatly.)
8. If a Ghanaian says you'll be back by 3...he means 4:45.
9.It's always possible to get what you need...for a price.
10.Ghanaians occasionally do favors just to ask for favors in return.
11. The third week in Ghana will go the fastest.
12. Saying, "If it's God's will that we meet again, then we will meet again." is a great way to get out of giving someone your number.
13. You can form fantastic friendships in 3 weeks or less.
14. Not all of the dogs here have rabies.
15. Helping children is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.
16. Giving away your toy unicorn is worth it for a six-year-old's smile.
17. Ghanaians love for you to draw/color pictures for them.
18. The dress lady will probably not even reference your measurements.
19. Tro crashes are not a myth.
20. A great way to save money on weekend trips is to skip breakfast and lunch.

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