Wednesday 1 June 2011

Outreach Day Two.

Today was another Outreach and Laura and I went to Nungua to an orphanage/school. The kids were lovely and so much fun :) Laura and I were the only ones that went so we stayed busy the entire time which was fun but really exhausting. There was also a dog with puppies there and I know they tell us not to pet any of the animals to avoid getting rabies...but I just couldn't help myself and I pet (petted?) them all. So far, I am not avoiding water. On the way home we got caught in a gust of wind that blew dirt all over us so I'm completely covered in this wonderful film of Ghanaian dust. It's a wonderful life :)

I also bought a dress today because I just fell in love with it. I guess I'll be saving in other places to make up for it lol.

Now Kim and I are going to Trashy Bags...a store that sells items woven from recycled materials around Ghana.


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