Friday 20 May 2011

Last post before the weekend

Hey everybody.

My friend Kim and I had a little adventure that I would like to use to teach everyone what you should not do when you are in Ghana. First of all, don't leave Danqua Circle at 5 o will be nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get transportation back home. Second, if the trotros are full and you're frustrated with waiting...just keep waiting. Otherwise, taking a drop taxi becomes super awkward when the taxi driver wants to charge you 10 cedis and you force him to take 4 even though it's rush hour. He WILL be rude to you. Thirdly, if you are in standstill NOT get out of the car and just decide to walk...ESPECIALLY if you do not know how far away you are. It will be a ridiculously long walk and it will get dark before you get home and you will be forced to pick up yet another taxi to avoid walking at night. Le sigh. On top of everything else, you will miss your nap and barely make it in time for dinner.

Last night all of the volunteers went out together again. It's really fun to hang out with 20 kids from all over the world because most of our conversations revolve around different words that Americans, Australians, Canadians, and Brits use and which ones are better. For example a Canadian and I got into a heated discussion with two Brits about the words Jelly, Jam, and Jello.

Today I worked in the ART clinic again, and it was much better today. The doctor was nicer and more helpful. He's going to teach me how to take blood pressures on Monday :)

Tonight we are all going to the Indian restaurant again to celebrate another going away date...should be fun. And on Saturday and Sunday about 15 of us are taking a trip to see the Wli waterfalls about 4 hours away. Hope everyone else is well!

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